Ageless Aztec Names that have Transcended Time and Generations
I am so wondering if you have ever heard of the word Aztec or have even heard any of the Aztec names. Well, thanks to historical records and archeological expeditions, we have a fair knowledge of the Aztec people, Aztec culture, Aztec civilization, and Aztec names. Honestly, if it’s classic names you wish, these Aztec names are vintage samples.

Historically, the Aztecs were a Mesoamerican culture that flourished in central Mexico in the post-classic period from 1300 to 1521. The Aztec peoples with their unique Aztec names included different ethnic groups of central Mexico. Like most cultures, the Aztecs spoke the Nahuatl language and dominated large parts of Mesoamerica from the 14th to the 16th centuries.
Evidently, mythology and religion were not alien to them just like with most ancient civilizations. As such, many Aztec names have their roots in various deities and gods. However, Aztec names are not very commonplace today though they still abound in records and historical documents.
Consequently, this article aims to bring to your knowledge the existence of this unique set of epic names in form of Aztec names. Below are some very interesting Aztec names and their meanings for both boy and girls.

Elegant Aztec names for Girls
The Aztec sure knew how to come up with beautiful names. this collection of Aztec females names are simply awesome.
1. Ahuic: Ahuic is one of the popular names and was the name of the Aztec goddess of the running water in rivers, streams, and waves.
2. Amoxtli: This is a beautiful Aztec name which means “book”
3. Anacaona: Anacaona is a great name for a girl and has a beautiful meaning of the golden flower. It can also be shortened to Ana.
5. Apozanolotl: This is another name derived from deities. Apozanolotl was the name of the Aztec goddess of purity and thus became a great name for your little girl.
6. Atlacoya: Atlacoya was the name of the Aztec goddess of drought. It is a unique name inspired by the goddess of Aztec.
7. Atlatonan: Goddess of earth
8. Atlatonin: Atlatonin was the name of the Aztec mother-goddess and shows a powerful image of a woman, making it a deep and meaningful name.
9. Atzi: Atzi is a short and cute Aztec name that is inspired by one of the greatest marvels of the universe, Rain.
10. Chalchiuhtlicue: Goddess of water
11. Chantico: Goddess of hearth fire
12. Chicomecoatl: An Aztec name which symbolizes the seven snakes.
13. Chimalma: Chimalma is an Aztec name with the meaning of shield-bearer. This name will symbolize safety for your girl.
14. Chipahua: Chipahua means clean. It is an Aztec name and means cleanliness and purity.
15. Cihuaton: Cihuaton comes from the Aztec language and translated to little woman, making it an appropriate name for your little daughter.
16. Citlalic: Citlalic translated to the rising star and is an Aztec name for girls. It brings a positive meaning to your child’s life.
17. Coatlicue: Mother of gods
18. Coyolxauhqui: Coyolxauhqui is an Aztec name which means golden bells. It is a long and can be used with a nickname, Coyo.
19. Cozamalotl: Cozamalotl is another Aztec name inspired by the universal elements, Rainbow. It symbolizes a colorful and happy life.
20. Cuicatl: Cuicatl is an Aztec name which means song. It’s a beautiful name and can be a good option for parents who are inclined towards music.
21. Eztli: It is an Aztec name meaning “Blood”. This is one of those Aztec names which can be used for both baby girls and boys.
22. Huixtocihuatl: Huixtocihuatl is an Aztec name which is a wonderful name for a girl. This name has come from the Aztec goddess of fertility.
23. Itzpapalotl: Itzpapalotl is an Aztec name derived from nature. Its English translation is “Obsidian butterfly”. The obsidian butterfly is a folkloric reference to bats.
24. Macuilxóchitl: Macuilxóchitl is another Aztec name for girls that have been inspired by nature and it translated to “five flowers”.
25. Mayahuel: Goddess of fertility
26. Metztli: Metztli an Aztec name for girls named from another Aztec Goddess, the goddess of night.
27. Nahuatl: In Aztec culture, a lot of significance is given to deities. Nahuatl is another such name that has come from the Goddess of water and rivers which is an ancient name.
28. Necahual: Necahual is a powerful Aztec name for your daughter. It means survivor.
29. Nochtli: This is another Aztec name with inspiration taken from nature. Nochtli translates to “prickly pear fruit”
30. Ohtli: Ohtli is another powerful Aztec name. It means a person who is a champion, which is a wonderful meaning for the name of your little one. Ohtli is also referred to as the son of Neil.
30. Omecihuatl: Creator goddess
31. Quetzalli: Quetzalli is an Aztec name for girls which means a large beautiful feather. It is inspired by the Aztec culture where birds and feathers are considered a prominent part of society.

32. Tayanna: Tayanna is a beautiful and popular Aztec name. It has a wonderful meaning, “a gift from God”. It is a great name for a baby, as babies are a gift to the whole family.
33. Teicuih: An old Aztec tradition is to name girls based on their birth order. Teicuih means younger sister and can be a good name for your younger daughters.
34. Teiuc: Teiuc is another Aztec name based on the tradition of naming baby girls based on their birth order. This means second-born and can be used for your younger and second-born daughters.
35. Tlachinolli: Tlachinolli is an Aztec name derived from a powerful universal element, Fire.
36. Toci: Grandmother;” earth goddess
37. Tonalnan: Tonalnan is an Aztec name which translated to the Mother of light. It has a positive meaning and it brings light positivity to your daughter’s life.
38. Tonantzin: “Honored mother,” earth goddess
39. Tozi: Tozi is an Aztec name which has been derived from the Aztec goddess of healing and sweet water.
40. Tzitzamitl: Grandmother goddess in the sky
41. Xochiquetzal: Goddess of lov
42. Xoco: Xoco is an Aztec name based on the tradition of naming girls on their birth order. It means the youngest sister.
43. Xocoyotl: Xocoyotl is an alternative name for Xoco and means the youngest child. It can be shortened to Xoco or can have a nickname, Xoco.
44. Yaotl: Yaotl is an extremely powerful Aztec name. It means combatant, Soldier, Warrior, Defender, Fighter, or Rival. It is one of the Aztec names which can be used for both boys and girls.
45. Yaretzi: Yaretzi is an Aztec name with one of the most beautiful meanings. It translates into, “you will always be loved” and is a wonderful choice if you’re looking for a meaningful name.
46. Zyanya: Zyanya is an Aztec name for girls starting with “z”. It means “Forever and always”.
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Aztec Boy Names with Meanings
Talking of masculinity and strength, the Aztecs instilled them tightly into their boys names. Take a look.
1. Acalan: Acalan is an Aztec name for boys derived from a small narrow and long rowing boat.
2. Acamapichtli: Handful of reeds
3. Ácatl: Acatl is an Aztec name inspired by nature. It means a giant reed.
4. Ahuatzi: Ahuatzi is another Aztec name for boys that is inspired by nature. It means small oak.
5. Axayacatl: Water mask
6. Camaxtli: God of hunting
7. Centéotl: God of maize
8. Chicahua: Chicahua is an Aztec name meaning strong.
9. Chimalli: Chimalli is an Aztec name for boys which means shield. It symbolized safety.
10. Chimalpopoca: Smokes like a shield
11. Citlalee: Citlalee is an Aztec name which means star. It is a symbol of light.
12. Cuallee: Cuallee is an Aztec name, translating to good. It can also be spelled with a variation of Cuallea.
13. Cuauhtémoc: Descends like an eagle
14. Cuetzpallee: Cuetzpallee is a long Aztec name derived from nature, meaning lizard. An alternate spelling can be used, Cuetzpallea.
15. Cuitláhuac: Excrement owner
16. Ehecatl: God of wind
17. Eztli: Eztli is an Aztec name that can be used for both boys and girls. It has the meaning of “Blood”.
18. Guatemoc: Guatemoc is an Aztec name with the meaning, the falling eagle or descending eagle in Nahuatl. It can be used in different ways with the same meanings, such as Cuathemoc, Cuauhtemotzin or Guatimozin.
19. Huitzilihuitl: Hummingbird feather

20. Huitzilin: Huitzilin is another nature-inspired Aztec name, meaning Hummingbird.
21. Huitzilopochtli: God of sun and war
22. Ilhicamina: Ilhicamina is a powerful Aztec name for a boy. It means “he who shoots arrows at the sky”
23. Itzcali: Itzcali is a popular Aztec name meaning the house of beauty.
24. Itzcoatl: Obsidian snake
25. Itzcoatl: This is a rare name that translates to “Obsidian serpent”. Itzcoatl was the name of the Aztec ruler of Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec Empire.
26. Itzli: 2nd Lord of the Night
27. Ixtlilton: God of health
28. Matlalihuitl: Matlalihuitl means a greenish-blue feather and is a beautiful Aztec name for a boy. It is inspired by birds and feathers in the Aztec culture which was considered very important.
29. Mictlantecuhtli: Mictlantecuhtli was the name of the Aztec Lord of Mictlan and can be a great name for a boy.
30. Mixcoatl: God of hunting
31. Moctezuma: He who frowns like a lord
32. Nahuatl: Nahuatl is a name that has come from the Goddess of water and rivers. It is a unisex Aztec name and can be used for both sexes.
33. Netzahualcoyotl: Netzahualcoyotl is a long Aztec name inspired by nature. It means the hungry coyote.
34. Ohtli: Ohtli is another powerful Aztec name. It means a person who is a champion, which is a wonderful meaning for the name of your little one.
35. Ometecuhtli: Creator god
36. Opochtli: God who protects near water
37. Patlee: Patlee is an Aztec name which means medicine. It symbolized healer, and healing and can also be spelled as Patlea.
38. Quetzalcoatl: Creator of the world
39. Tezcatlipoca: God of the night sky
40. Tizoc: He has bled people
41. Tlaloc: God of rain
42. Tlanextic: Tlanextic is a positive Aztec name meaning the light of dawn.
43. Tlanextli: Tlanextli is an alternative of Tlanextic meaning radiance or splendor.
44. Tlilpotonqui: Tlilpotonqui is a rare Aztec name, which translates to feathered in black.
45. Tochtlee: Tochtlee is another Aztec name inspired by nature and means rabbit.
46. Toltecatl: Toltecatl means an artist or a creative person and can be a wonderful name for babies showing creativity.
47. Tonatiuh: Fierce war god
48. Tonauac: Tonauac has a wonderful meaning, the one who possesses light.
49. Tupack: This is another powerful Aztec name for boys meaning warrior.
50. Tupoc: Tupoc is an alternative for Tupack, meaning warrior.
51. Ueman: Ueman is an Aztec name meaning venerable time.

52. Xihuitl: Xihuilt means a comet.
53. Xipil: Xipil is a short Aztec name meaning the Noble One, of Fire
54. Xipilli: It means the jeweled prince and is a beautiful Aztec name.
55. Xiutecuhtli: This is another powerful name for boys, meaning the gentleman of the fire.
56. Xochipilli: God of love
57. Xolotl: God of fire
58. Yaotyl: It means rival and can also be spelled as Yaotel.
59. Yolyamanitzin: Yolyamanitzin has one of the most wonderful meanings, “He who is considerate and just”.
60. Zipactonal: Zipactonal is an Aztec name meaning the harmonic light.
I am sure you have learned a little of history from this article. If you are as curious as me, I am sure you have gone to explore your browser for more enlightenment. How do you see these Aztec names? Classic and epic I would say. Interestingly, you can as well muse over the idea of giving one of these Aztec names to your child. It wouldn’t be a bad move at all.
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