Distinctive Cornish Names Showing Peculiarity and Uniqueness
Well, if you haven’t had close contact with the English, you might be wondering where this article is coming from and what it is hoping to do. Cornish names, though somewhat restricted to a particular people, are becoming more widespread. Do you any idea of any Cornish names?

From records, the Cornish people or Cornish are a Celtic ethnic group and nation native to or associated with Cornwall and a recognized national minority in the United Kingdom. This community of people has its roots in ancient Britons who inhabited southern and central Great Britain before the Roman conquest. As such, Cornish names are still very much in use by them and other sections of the population.
Also, many in Cornwall today continue to assert a distinct identity separate from or in addition to English or British identities. Cornish people claim separateness from the rest of the nations. (viagrageneric.org) A look at Cornish names can give you a little idea of the variations that exist. Most Cornish names emanate from the Cornish language.
Cornish is a Southwestern Brittonic language of the Celtic language family. It is a revived language, having become extinct as a first language in Cornwall in the late 18th century. Accordingly, with this revival came a resurgence of Cornish names which are being compiled in this article.

Cornish Names for Girls with Meanings
In terms of elegance and grace, Cornish names for girls have a whole ton of them. You can see for yourself how lovely these Cornish names are.
Amelia – The one who is industrious, hard working and fertile
Beaten – A form of Beatrix, meaning she who makes happy.
Bennath – Cornish vocabulary name meaning a blessing.
Berlewen – Cornish vocabulary name meaning Venus.
Bersaba – Cornish medieval form of Bathsheba meaning oath, or voluptuous.
Beryan – Name of an Irish princess renowned for her healing abilities
Bronnen – A rush
Charlie – One having full rights
Conwenna – One who is white, fair and blessed
Delen – A tiny and delicate petal
Delennyk – She who is like a petal
Derowen – Cornish vocabulary name meaning oak
Derwa – Short form of Derowen, meaning oak
Doryty – Cornish form of Dorothy, meaning gift of God
Ebrel – Cornish vocabulary name meaning April
Elowen – One who is powerful like an Elm tree
Endelyn – Endelyn is origin of the name Gwendolyn. It means white or fair
Evelyn – a Hebrew name which means to breathe or live or life.
Evie – Variation of Eve which means life
Ewella – Cornish vocabulary name meaning higher, more exalted
Genni – Who is charming and plain.
Glanna – Cornish vocabulary name meaning pure.
Isabella – God is perfection, or God is my oath
Isla – From Islay or Aileach, which means Rocky Place
Jeni – The one who is good, kind and nice.
Jenifry – Refers to justice of peace.
Jenni – White wave
Jowanet – Cornish form of Joan meaning God is gracious
Kelynen – Cornish vocabulary name meaning holly.
Keresen – Cornish word for cherry.
Lamorna – Name of a place in Cornwall
Lowdy – A name given to children born on a Love Day
Melder – She who is sweet as honey
Melyonen – Cornish vocabulary name meaning violet.
Merouda – The name is derived from elements mor, which means sea, or great and budd, which means benefit, or profit.
Merrin – A pearl of the sea, pearl extracted from the sea
Metheven – Cornish word for June
Morgelyn – Cornish compound name meaning sea-holly
Morvoren – Cornish compound name meaning mermaid or sea maiden
Morwenna – A Virgin lady by the sea. Name of a Virgin saint
Olivia – The one who is closer to olive tree.
Pasca – Feminine forms of Pasco, meaning Easter
Peswera – Cornish vocabulary name meaning fourth.
Poppy – English – Poppy; From The Flower; A variant of name Popee

Rosen – Cornish word meaning rose.
Rosenwyn – Cornish word meaning fair rose
Ruby – A precious red jewel
Sienna – Reddish brown
Sophia – She who posesses great knoledge and wisdom
Sowena – Success or achievement
Splanna – Cornish word meaning brighter
Steren – Cornish word meaning star
Talwyn – One with fair brow
Tege – Pretty little thing
Tiegan – Something pretty or of ornamental
Tregereth – Mercy
Tremaine – Rock settlement
Tressa – The numeral three from Cornish word
Trueth – Compassion in Cornish vocabulary.
Wenna – Cornish form of Gwen, meaning white, fair, blessed.
Ysella – Cornish vocabulary name meaning modest.
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Cornish Names for Boys With Meanings
Many Cornish names for boys express strength and courage of masculinity. Below is a list of great Cornish names for boys.
Alfie – Alfie is Counselor
Arthek – An old Cornish name derived from the Celtic word arto, which means bear
Arthyen – Cornish form of the Welsh name Arthen. It means bear born
Austol – The name of a Breton saint who came to Cornwall. It’s also a Cornish place name
Benesek – Cornish form of Benedict, derived from Latin word benedictus, which means blessed.
Brae – A hill
Branok – Cornish name derived from Celtic word brano, which means raven, crow
Breock – A famous and mighty prince
Bryok – A shortened form of Briafael, meaning mighty prince
Cadan – A variant of Cadell and Kaden. It means battle or companion
Cadwur – Warrior or soldier
Carantok – The name is derived from the Celtic word karant, which means friend
Carlyon – From the slate earthworks
Casek – A form of Cadok, meaning battle
Casworan – One who is powerful in battle
Charlie – One having full rights
Clemo – The Cornish diminutive of Clement or Clemence. It means mild or merciful
Clesek – An old Cornish name derived from the word clos, which means fame
Corentyn – The Cornish form of the name Corentin, meaning hero
Costentyn – The Cornish form of Constantin. It means constant or steady
Cubert – Legendary son of Daere
Curnow – A variant of Curnow meaning from Cornwall
Enyon – The name is derived from Latin name Annianus. It means belonging to the gens of Annius.
Gerren – Gerren is the Cornish equivalent of Geraint. It means old
Goron – The name derives from the Celtic word kawaro and means hero
Gryffyn – A Cornish form of the Welsh name Griffith. It means lord
Gwalather – The name is derived from Welsh word gwaladr, which means leader
Harry – House ruler, Prince Harry
Hedrek – The name is derived from the Celtic word hedr, which means bold
Jack – One who thinks that the God is gracious
Jacob – Hebrew – Yahweh may protect; Holder of Heel; Supplanter; Derived from the Yaakov or Yakubel in Hebrew
Jennie – White wave
Jowan – Hebrew – Yahweh is gracious, Yahweh is merciful; A variant of name Jovan and John
Kenal – The name is derived from the ancient British word Cunosaglas, which means generous chief.
Keneder – The name is derived from ancient British name Cunosetros, which means bold chief.
Kensa – Kensa means First
Kenver – Kenver means A Great Leader
Kitto – Cornish diminutive of Christopher, meaning bearer of Christ

Leo – Latin word meaning lion
Locryn – Cornish form of Locrinus. It’s the name of a region in southeastern Britain
Logan – Man from the hollow
Lowen – Cornish vocabulary name meaning joyful
Madern – One who is lucky and fortunate
Margh – Margh is Cornish form of Mark and means consecrated to the god Mars.
Massen – Cornish form of Maximus, meaning greatest
Meryasek – Cornish form of Meriadoc. It means sea lord
Minver – A fair skinned person. Name of a famous Cornish Saint
Oliver – The one who represents the emblem of peace or olive tree.
Opie – One who is like a God Almighty
Oscar – Noorali the brightness of Ali, the nimble of Ali.
Pascoe – Passover; one who is related to Easter
Pascow – A variant of Pascal, meaning Easter.
Peran – Little dark one

Samuel – It was told by the God
Sienna – Reddish brown
Tehan – Name of a place in Sicily.
Treeve – Literally, the name means farmstead or one dwelling in town and village
Tremaine – Rock settlement
Trethowan – One residing in the farm.
Trevik – Belongs to the big farm or big estate
The Cornish culture and language experienced a revival that began in the early 20th century. Along came the popularization of Cornish names all over England, Europe, and beyond. Certainly, you must have seen one or more Cornish names you like from the list above. There are no restrictions, you can even pick any Cornish name for your kids if you so love the culture.
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