All Time Scariest Saying: 55 Famously Creepy Quotes
All Time Scariest Saying: 55 Famously Creepy Quotes.
Most of us have our favourite scary quotes from movies, books, games, and comics that we use occasionally. This article is going to provide you with creepy quotes that will horrify, preoccupy you, and maybe make you a bit paranoid. Any horror movie fan should find these creepy quotes very interesting.
Famously Creepy Quotes
- There are times when all I can think about is murdering someone.
- Sometimes, the things you see in the shadows are more than just shadows.
- Delicate things are not as easy to break as you may think.
- Pull back my carpets if you dare! Just keep in mind that you’re likely to find something you may not want to see!
- It was July when the dogs began to disappear from the neighborhood. About a week later, people began to go missing.
- I’ve tried to take my own life 73 times. Every time was a failure. And messy.
- Something was scratching the other side of my pillow all night long.
- The smile she gave me wasn’t one from mother to child: it was one from predator to prey.
- I wish to organize the first serial killer convention. What do I need to do?
- (To a gun store clerk) I need to buy a rifle and one bullet.
- Razors have so many interesting uses.
- I get so tired of watching. I want to start doing.
- “We shall see that at which dogs howl in the dark and that at which cats prick up their ears after midnight.” —H.P. Lovecraft
- Stare at me much longer and I’ll pluck out your eye.
- My hope is that one day I will be able to say, “I’ve killed a chicken.”
- I’m gonna make you eat this gold and then I’m gonna sink your ass into the ocean!
- A good selection of herbs and spices helps make any kind of meat go down.
- Nightmares will come pouring out of Hell when the Devil gets desperate.
- What if the spiritual world is the job and the living world the vacation?
- Those that don’t go mad every once in a while, eventually go mad permanently.
- Homes don’t always like all tenants. They retaliate in whatever way they can.
- There’s a reason so many people like Halloween. The real reason goes unsaid by many.
- Some spirits possess the living to feed the addictions they had while alive. Do you know anyone who eats a lot, drinks a lot, or smokes a lot?
- “What’s the best way to talk to dead people?” —A child to her mother
- “The first time you’re careful. You learn what you need to know to kill and take care of the details.” —Ted Bundy
- Someone is asked what they’re doing in the cemetery. He responds, “I’m looking for eyes.”
- Ghosts have been humans. Demons never have. That’s the difference between being scared and being threatened.
- There are bad spirits on the other side, just as there are bad people in this world.
- Bloodshed is the only choice left for me now. Bad news for you.
- A sharp knife is necessary to slice through flesh. Otherwise, you’ll shake the whole table.
- “In the middle of nowhere, along a quiet stretch of road, the diner dreamt of the hungry dead. And of two men.” —Gil’s All Fright Diner, A. Lee Martinez
- Feel free to scream whenever you want.
- The right music makes everything better. It can make the gruesome seem poetic. During my torture sessions, I like to play a lot of Katy Perry.
- A needle inserted. Razors slicing through flesh. Ecstasy.
- The first time you do something horrible is the hardest. You’ll find the second time you do it won’t be so hard. The third time? Gravy.
- People come here for pain! For suffering! And I am the one that gives it to them!
- Is it weird that I like the sound of screaming?
- Metal scraping against bone sets my teeth on edge.
- While you sleep, spirits watch with envy. Sometimes you can feel their chill.
- “People really think there can never be such things as zombies. I want to prove them wrong.” —A scientist
- Fishhooks make for great playthings.
- I’ve figured out how to make this organic machine last forever.
- Even toilet paper can be used to kill if you know my secret.
- Elongation of limbs can be a problem without the proper equipment.
- I have been sent here to fulfill the secret wishes you’d never utter out loud.
- One can’t be too picky about meat when meat is hard to find.
- The best perk of being rich? Being able to do unthinkable things. Things that would make other people cringe.
- Give me a roll of plastic, some duct tape, and a few needles, and I’m set to go.
- I had a dream last night that my eyeball fell out! Tell me what that one’s about!
- This whole bag of concrete has to go down your throat.
- I’ve always wanted to find out what makes kitty cats tick.
- “It was the devil that was omnipresent. It was the dead who squeezed the living between fragments of time, on both sides, the past and the future, making of humanity a ghoulish sandwich of doomed meat that had yet to learn to stop kicking.” —Christopher Pike, The Cold One
- That sound you hear at night. That scratching sound. That’s the rats trying to gain entry into your home.
- My fantasies are much darker than you think, my dear.
- The sound of a shovel digging into the earth makes me shiver with anticipation.