
10 Helpful Tips to Get a Guy Over His Ex and Into You

10 Helpful Tips to Get a Guy Over His Ex and Into You.

Going through a break up can be hard, so is letting go! But what happens when the guy you’ve been crushing on, is back on the market but is still stuck on his ex? So how do you get him over his ex and date you? Here are some helpful tips below to get him over his ex and into you. 

10 Helpful Tips to Get a Guy Over His Ex and Into You

Tips to Get a Guy Over His Ex and Into You  

  • Be a good listener and let him get it out 

It is not fun to listen to him rant or cry about his ex. But, if he doesn’t get it out, he is never going to move on and get him over his ex. Plus, you get to know all the things he didn’t like about his last relationship, which is great information for you and your possible relationship with him.  

  • Don’t bring up his ex 

Don’t check out her Facebook and gossip back to him any dirty details you saw. If she isn’t on his mind at that moment the last thing you want to do is bring her up. And, even when he is talking about her, gossiping about her only makes you look petty. You can be his shoulder, just don’t get sucked into the drama.  

  • Don’t have sex right away  

Don’t become the rebound. Don’t go out one night and somehow go from him crying and venting to the two of you making out. Yes, you want things to progress, but you don’t want to be revenge, or a mistake he regrets the next day. While he is healing take things a little slow.  

  • Don’t compare yourself to his ex  

You can do this in your head all you want; you can even do it with your friends. However, don’t compare yourself to her out loud. You don’t want him to link you with her in his mind at all. Be you, don’t try to be her or better than her.  

  • Do the things his ex wouldn’t do  

Like I said earlier, don’t compare yourself. But when he is venting if he says she never wanted to go to games with me or she never would watch horror movies with me use that information to your advantage. Take it upon yourself to do the things she wouldn’t. He won’t be comparing you to her, instead he will be having fun doing something he never did with her with you.  

  • Don’t push too hard  

Even if the relationship didn’t just end, he is still dealing with the aftermath. Don’t push him into committing right away. As his heart heals you can slowly push for more and more intimacy and commitment, but let him have some space and time. What you don’t want is for him to commit to you only to leave for her.  

  • Don’t try to “fix” him  

Listening is important. Be there, be his shoulder, but do not try to solve the problems from his former relationship. Even if he is telling you about an argument “they” had and you can see where he was clearly wrong, keep it to yourself. He already had this argument, with the girl you want him to get over, don’t make him have it again with you. 

  • Throw out all your normal tactics  

Don’t try to make him jealous, or seduce him, or use most of the tricks you would use if this was just a random guy you were attracted to. Do be present, be around, be there for him, spend time with him. In time he will get over her, and since you are there front and center his attention will likely turn to you.  

  • Don’t share when he is venting 

Normally in a conversation both individuals share their thoughts and experiences. Don’t do this here. He needs to let it all out to get over it. So, if he is opening up to you, and you take the conversation over by telling him all about your terrible exes the conversation becomes about you. (Klonopin) Not, about his feelings and him working to get over her. You can tell him about your exes later, when he isn’t so focused on his.  

  • Help him change his patterns  

If there are places and things that remind him of her, or if he runs into her at the gym or anywhere else. Very gently help him to change those patterns and let go of those things. Do not go to his place with boxes and demand he get rid of all the things that remind him of her. This approach takes subtlety and finesse. It will also be a bit-by-bit process. He isn’t going to purge her from his life in one day, nor should he. He needs to go through the process of letting her go. And, that process takes time.

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