Reverent Jumma Mubarak Messages Adored by Devotees
What do Fridays mean to you as a person? Do you know it is a special revered day? Obviously, if you are a Muslim, Jumma Mubarak would have been very familiar to you. On this holy day of worship, Muslim faithful like to share Jumma Mubarak messages with fellow believers. This Jumma Mubarak message comes in different forms and themes. Mostly, Jumma Mubarak messages contain good wishes and prayers.

World over, Muslims hold special Jumma prayers at various times of the day on Fridays. As an act of goodwill, many believers also take out time to reach out to others through Jumma Mubarak messages. As it’s a religious holiday, Fridays are days for relaxation and merry after all the prayers.
One interesting thing we can use to spice up this holy day is to exchange sincere Jumma Mubarak messages with one another. You don’t even have to stress yourself thinking about what to and how to write one. This article is packaged to give you a wide range of nice Jumma Mubarak messages you can easily and select and send. Check the list below.

General Jumma Mubarak Messages
1. Wishing you a blessed Jumma. May all your prayers be heard today!
2. May Allah shower every Muslim with his unconditional blessings. Jumma Mubarak!
3. Wish you a blessed and pleasant Jummah. May this valuable day bring satisfaction in your heart and fill your life with the endowments of Allah!
4. Jummah Mubarak! I wish you and your family a blissful and blessed Jumma.
5. May Allah grant you mercy for the sake of this holy day! Jumma Mubarak!
6. All I wish that every Jummah prayer brings peace, joy, and forgiveness of Allah to all of your lives and strengthen the faith upon Him. Jumma Mubarak.
7. Jumma Mubarak to you! May this day bring peace and serenity upon you.
8. Happy Jumma to you! Seek forgiveness to Allah on this blessed day!
9. From the little evildoing to enormous, may Allah pardon all of us on this valuable day and guide us in the right way. Jumma Mubarak to all.
10. On the Jumma, all I pray that may you be blessed with the favors of Allah and your life is filled with good health, joy, love, and peace. Happy Friday.
11. Happy Jummah. May Almighty endows His numerous favors on you and your family on every Friday!
12. Jumma Mubarak to you and your family. May Allah always let our hearts and psyches ready for the supplication of Him and keep us grateful for all His favors.
Special Jumma Mubarak Messages
1. Dear friend, Jumma Mubarak to you and your family. Today is all about counting the blessings of life and expressing gratitude to Allah, so don’t miss the prayer!
2. Happy Friday my friend. May you be blessed with peace of mind, good health and uncountable favors of Allah!
3. Jumma Mubarak! Allah’s benevolence knows no boundary indeed, may He bless you!
4. We are indeed fortunate to live until another Friday! Have a blessed Jumma!
5. Jumma Mubarak to all of you. May Allah listen to our petitions and favor us this Friday by lessening all our troubles!
6. Through the prayer of Jumma, we get closer to our Lord and He opens the heavenly door of His Rahmat to us. Wishing you a graceful Jumma!
7. Jumma Mubarak! May we be able to live by Allah’s orders till next Jumma!
8. Praying for this sacred day to grace our lives with holy blessings! Jumma Mubarak!
9. Jumma Mubarak to everyone! Let us seek mercy and make Dua to the Benevolent!
10. How lucky we are to be able to stand before Allah and ask for forgiveness! Jumma Mubarak!
11. Isn’t it amazing that we hand over all our worries to Him and in return, Allah gives us blessings! So just keep praying and keep me in your prayers too.
12. When you do the Jumma prayer, the Noor of Jumma shines in your life and your Imaan gets stronger. May Allah acknowledge to your Jumma petitions!
13. Again the day of Rahmat- Jumma is here. May Allah bestow His blessings and mercy upon you and your family!
14. Along with the countless blessings and the basket of the mercy of Allah Jumma is again here. May Allah keep our Imaan strong in our heart and grant us Forgiveness!
15. Making Dua for the others without knowing them is one of the exceptional beauties of Islam and in return, the angels would recommend to Allah for you. Keep praying.

Sincere Jumma Mubarak Messages
1. O, my Lord! Make us one of those servants who deserve to be benefited, even if only a drop from this endless world of mercy and mercy. Amine. I wish you a good bright Friday.
2. Make the honour of life, the fertile of the sustenance, the health of the body, the virtue of morality, the decency of your child, my Lord. Have a good Friday.
3. Human; He is the Yearninger of the Past, the Longer of the Future, the Grier of the Moment He Lives! May God makes us not complain but thankful. (Amin) Jumma Mubarak.
4. My god! Forgive our sins with your legendary mercy, which is a relief to the hearts. Amin, May the Friday of all Muslims be blessed. I wish you good, prosperous, peaceful and healthy days.
5. Intimacy is limited by time and space. When hands are opened to God, the first to come to mind are loved ones. You are in my mind, in my heart and in my prayer.
6. Mubarak is the scent of virtue and superiority in the ummah on Friday. With the prayer that we can be among the ones who sentenced our beloved Prophet Muhammad, who is the essence of beings and the highest of love, on Fridays of torment, longing and sorrow of believers. May our Friday be blessed …
7. I wish “Jumma Mubarak” with the prayer of giving the right to be the ummah of the beloved (SAV), who said that I would not enter paradise without my ummah who loved me.
8. God, protect us from insurgent poverty and abusive wealth. Whatever is the best about us, make it your fortune! I wish “Jumma Mubarak”.
9. May every prayer you make will cure your troubles, heal your health, bring light to your eyes, peace to your heart, peace to your family and loved ones. Have a good Friday.
10. Some believers long for heaven. There are also some believers who longingly awaits them in Paradise. Jumma Mubarak, with the prayer of being among the believers that heaven waits for longing.
Jumma Mubarak Wishes for Friends
1. Jumma Mubarak! May Allah relieve you from every burden and comfort your soul.
2. Allah listens to your worries when you pray diligently to Him. Jumma Mubarak to you!
3. Friend, when life is hard, seek for Allah’s Rahmat with the strongest faith of your heart, and He shall listen to you. Have a peaceful and happy Jumma!
4. Jumma Mubarak, dear friend. I pray for you to never deviate from Islam’s teachings and imply the learnings in every step of your life. Stay blessed!
5. On this holy day, hold out your hands in prayer and ask forgiveness for all the wrongdoings and mistakes! May Allah forgive you. Jumma Mubarak!
6. A Muslim is the brother to a Muslim. He does not betray him, he does not lie to him, and nor does he fail him in times of difficulty. Jumma Mubarak!
7. Our task is to seek halal sustenance. It is not to forget that each blessing, each opportunity is entrusted to us by our Lord. It is to be able to see both wealth and poverty as a test. Just as our Prophet SAW said, it is to be grateful by saying: “All praise and thanks be to Allah in all circumstances”. Have a blessed Jumaah!
8. Allah is the healer of illnesses. He blesses the suffering with remedies. He is the help to the helpless, hope to the hopeless. Our task is to never give the opportunity to those who want to exploit our beliefs, our sincerity, our feelings through our hardships and despair. It is to take refuge only in our Lord’s mercy. It is to place our trust in Him only. It is to endure illness and calamity with patience, fortitude and submission; knowing that they are trials for us. Jummah Mubarak!
9. Allahis the sole owner of life and death. He is the One who gives life, and who is going to take it when the time comes. Our Lord is going to revive us after we die. He is going to question us for our actions. He is going to give everyone what they exactly deserve. Our task is to stay true to our faith to the very last breath. It is to make our life blessed with righteous deeds. It is to be ready for death and the day of judgment at all times. Jumma Mubarak!
10. Happiness, Prayers, Respect, and Love, All of those comes on the Friday, I request you to remember me in your Prayers. Jumma Mubarak!
11. Allah the Exalted enjoins: “O you who believe! Fear Allah. And let every soul look to what it has put forth for tomorrow.” Jummah Mubarak!
12. Remember everything a servant of Allah endures every loss he experiences, Allah always has a reward for him. Jummah Mubarak.
13. Friday is the most virtuous of your days. Therefore, if that day is too much for me, bring Salavat u Selam. Because you are Salat u Greetings are presented to me. Jumma Mubarak with Greetings and Prayers!
14. If God closes one door with His wisdom, he opens the other with His mercy. O Lord, open good doors for us on this blessed Friday. Have a nice Friday…
15. Every “Friday” is peace, every morning is a hope! May your peace and hope always your prayers be accepted. Jumma Mubarak.
16. O, my soul! Do you intend to be bait for the devil or be the rose in heaven? Let me prostrate my collar. You will be at peace and I will die by faith. May my Lord make us all of us who die by faith. Amine. Have a good light Friday.

Jumma Mubarak Messages as Text
1. May the intercession of the rose-faced light of the Prophet (saas) be upon us, with the light of Allah, saluting his ummah. Have a nice Friday.
2. I hope that all the prayers you hide in your palms will be accepted. Have a nice Friday.
3. My Lord, please do not burn any mother’s heart with the pain of her child! Protect children from our dirty world, hide! HAPPY FRIDAYS with Health and Peace.
4. God … When I lose my hope, remind me that the destiny you wrote is better than my dreams … Jumma Mubarak …
5. My God! Let him hear our voices, know our state. We opened our hearts to you, help you, you forgive, you make our ways good. Have a Holly Friday..
6. May it be on the mercy, forgiveness and blessings of Allah (swt). May my Lord make our day auspicious and prosperous, I wish good Friday.
7. May my Lord allow the whole ummah of the Prophet to live in a healthy, happy, peaceful and peaceful life in the world and to be in the gardens of Paradise in the hereafter Amen and good Friday.
8. Let today be a feast as always, let the sadness turn into joy. May my Lord heal our wounds, you will remove the morbidity in our hearts, in the name of Shafii. Have a Holly Friday!
9. My God! Let him hear our voices, know our state. We opened our hearts to you, You help, You forgive, you make our ways good. HAVE A NICE FRIDAY…
10. May your hearts be filled with creeds, and your soul with peace. May happiness be with all of us. Neither the bonds established nor the friends be forgotten. Have a Holly Friday…
11. On this blessed day when prayers will not be rejected, May my Lord accept our prayers… I hope it does not deprive us of His Mercy… Jumma Mubarak.
12. ALLAH! Do not Narrow My Soul, Blacken My Heart, Do Not Put My Heart In Trouble, Do Not Deflect Me From The Path of Truth, Do Not Beg Someone Other Than You… (amin) Jumma Mubarak.
13. First the roads stretch to walk to the right, buds bloom roses to see it, there is someone praying for you. You too pray for GOD. Have a Holly Friday.
14. Saving unbelief from the absolute that destroys two lives is of great importance at this time. It should be received with enthusiasm and gratitude and patience, although it may be a bit of a hardship. Have a nice Friday…
15. Allah, make it possible to be a believer who wakes up with the call to prayer, who comes to peace with the prayer that comes to him, and who understands his servitude with prayer. Amine! Have a nice Friday.
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16. our Lord! Accept our prayers that we will make today and make us one of those who are eligible to be neighbors of Mahmud al-Maqam. Happy Friday…
17. Have a nice Friday. My god; Forgive us with the great grace of your mercy, have mercy on us. Give us guidance and do not separate the order from the independent.
18. Ya Lord; For the sake of the face of this blessed Friday, whatever trouble we have, whatever trouble we have, the helpless servants; Give cure to the sick, healing to the sick, and manners to your indebted servants, O Lord. Accept the prayers of us servants. Have a good light Friday.
19. If Friday passes peacefully without sinning, the other days will pass peacefully. May Allah accept our Friday and our prayers.
20. May my Lord allow the whole ummah of our Prophet to live in a healthy, happy, peaceful and peaceful life in the world and to be in the gardens of Paradise in the hereafter, inshaAIIah. Amen and good Friday.
21. Allah, do not miss your name from our tongue and from our hearts. Give us the opportunity to be among your loved ones and to see your beauty. Have a nice Friday…
22. No Despair Day Comes; Gül opens and a Nightingale crowes… Have a Jumma Mubarak.
23. Human; He is a longing for the past, a longing for the future, a complainer of the moment he lives in… May Allah make us not from those who complain but from those who are grateful. Have a nice Friday…
24. May Friday of the whole Islamic world be blessed. I always thank my Lord, the Most Gracious and the Most Gracious. Hz. Let him not separate from the light and intercession of our Prophet and accept our prayers.
25. Language in language is not enough to tell, the pen stopped because of his embarrassment. We have been subject to rebellion once, save us, my Lord … May your fellowship be blessed and blessed …
26. There is faith where possibilities end. No matter how big your trouble is, there is God bigger than your trouble. Have a Holly Friday.
27. The intercession of the rose-faced light of the Prophet (pbuh) who salutes his ummah with the light of Allah be upon you. Have a Holly Friday.
28. May your thawab be abundant, like a prayer from Allah, like a gift from the Prophet! Have a Holly Friday.
29. There is no despair, the day comes; the rose opens and the nightingale sings… Have a good Friday.
30. If there is sincerity in your prayers and beliefs, the troubles are sincere and intend to go. Have a nice Friday

Jumma Prayer Messages Duas
1. Be happy while helping others, as Allah helps the person through you. May Allah give all of us the ability to help others! Jumma Mubarak.
2. On this auspicious day of Jumma, There is nothing much precious gift than Dua to give someone. May Allah acknowledge all your dua in Jumma petition!
3. Jumma is a valuable day that contains more sawab and brings uncountable blessings. May Allah allow us to do more worships of Him on this precious day!
4. May Allah keep us away from the wrong things that will take us away from Him and let us follow the good things that will take us closer to Him! Jumma Mubarak.
As believers, we are taught to be kind to others and share with them. One way we can do this is by sharing beautiful Jumma Mubarak messages with fellow Muslim faithful. As a rule, your Jumma Mubarak message should be such that conveys sincere thoughts and emotions. You can draw ideas from the examples given above.
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