85 Pensive Questions to Ask a Guy on First Date 2021

85 Pensive Questions to Ask a Guy on First Date 2021.

Start the date off strong with these 19 best questions for a first date. They’re great for spurring an interesting conversation, which is what you want.

Questions to Ask a GuyGeneral Questions

Usually, on the first date, both parties will exchange questions in order to know each other well.

You can ask some general questions about his hobbies, his family, and something light about him at the beginning.

If you do not want to scare him away, remember not to ask something that is too serious and heavy. Just consider these simple questions to melt the tense between you two as a “appetizer”.

So let’s check them out.

  • How will you describe a healthy relationship?
  • Have you been to a concert?
  • Do you have a pet?
  • What do you for living? Do you like your job?
  • How many hours do you work a week?
  • How many brothers and sisters do you have?
  • What is your favorite color?
  • How much influence does your family bring to your life?
  • What do your parents do?
  • What are your hobbies and how often do you do them?
  • How do you see love? Is it a priority in your life?
  • Are you happy with your life?
  • Do you still live with your parents?
  • What did you think of me the first time you saw me?
  • What is your favorite movie, TV show or book and why?
  • Which one do you prefer, a good restaurant or a night club? Why?
  • How do you refresh yourself after being tired from work?
  • What kind of music do you listen to?
  • How do you see friendship between male and female?
  • What do you think happiness is?

 Questions about His Past

After asking something light, you can later ask some questions related to his past. His past says a lot about his personality and his habits.

Don’t ask something that is too private. Limit yourself before you make him get annoyed by your questions.

The most important thing is NEVER judge him for his past. Try the questions below and you will manage to retrieve many interesting things.

  • How was your school life?
  • How did you see love and marriage in the past?
  • What was your best and worst experience during your school days?
  • Before working here, where did you work? Why did you move?
  • What kind of club did you join during your school days?
  • What was the most embarrassing moment in your life?
  • Have you ever had any troubles with your colleagues or your boss? How did you solve it?
  • Where did you live as a child?
  • How was life when you were a child?
  • Have you ever had a crush on your teacher as a child?
  • Have you ever been overseas before?
  • What was the happiest moment in your life?
  • Have you ever been betrayed by your best friend?
  • What is the thing that you regret doing the most? If you had a chance to change it, would you do it? 5. Why did you break up with your ex-girlfriend?
  • What is the best place you’ve ever been for holidays and what did you like most about it?
  • Were there any traumatic experiences in the past? How did you deal with it?
  • Has somebody ever disappointed you so much that you find it difficult to accept till now?
  • Why did you choose to work as……?
  • What mistakes did you and your ex do in the past, that you don’t want them to happen again in your next relationship?

Questions about His Personality

Step by step you can now ask some questions in order to know more about his personality. Although it’s not possible to get complete understanding about what kind of person he is, at least you can know whether there is a possibility for the relationship to continue and grow.

You surely don’t want to fall for a selfish and irresponsible guy right? But please remember to be careful with your questions and don’t push him too much for an answer, or else they will bring you the opposite results.

Below are Some Ideas of Questions to Ask Him.

  • What will you do to avoid doing the same mistakes?
  • How do you feel if there is someone criticizing you?
  • In situations that you and your partner feel disconnected, what will you do to get back together?
  • What is your reaction when you can’t get what you want?
  • How do you react to changes?
  • Are there any moments that you prefer telling an easy lie to the hard truth?
  • What makes you think that someone deserves a help?
  • Do you always consider other people’s feelings before deciding something?
  • What can make you smile and bring you happiness?
  • Do you enjoy meeting new people?
  • How do you feel to be in the middle of a crowd?
  • Will you describe yourself as an open minded person?
  • How would you react if a friend of yours told you that your girlfriend was cheating on you?
  • How do you take responsibility for your mistakes?
  • Have you ever been jealous to your ex-girlfriend?
  • Can simple things bring you joy?
  • Do you think that a mistake gets you closer to success?
  • Do you trust people easily and are you trustworthy?
  • Which do you prefer, buying new things or repairing the old ones?
  • Do you talk about your problems or do you keep it to yourself?

Questions to Ask a Guy

Questions about His Future

It may sound a bit weird to ask questions related to a guy’s future on a first date! It’s because future is not something that you can make sure of.

It’s true, but it’s something that you can predict by looking at the actions and planning done in the present time.

Asking questions about his future plans doesn’t mean that you are already sure to get married to him. The point is that you can have a clear view of your possible relationship.

Why wasting time on a guy that doesn’t even care about his future? So let’s see what kind of future related questions you can ask him:


Which one is your priority after getting married, your family or your job?

  • Have you ever considered joining your siblings for a business?
  • How do you see your job now? Are you satisfied with it?
  • What is the next product you plan to buy?
  • How do you want your kids to be raised?
  • What is your next goal for the near future?
  • What would you do to grant your wife and kids happiness?
  • How do you see yourself 10 years from now?
  • What criteria will you look from a girl to make her a good suitor for you?
  • How important is a marriage for you?
  • Have you done every single step that is needed to achieve your goal in the near future?
  • What is your long term goal?
  • What is your next plan for your business?
  • Do you have something that you want to accomplish?
  • Will you allow your wife to work?
  • What is your dream wedding like?
  • What’s something you’ve always wanted to try and are planning to try in the future?
  • What is your opinion about family and kids? Can you imagine yourself as a parent?
  • How will you pay gratitude to your parents that have raised you?

In conclusion, going on a first date, through the questions you ask, will give you insight into the guy you are dating. But you need to keep in mind that the questions we give you here are just guidance so that you can consider whether or not the relationship will continue.

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