A Collection of Swedish Last Names with their Peculiar Suffixes
Most of us have not been to Sweden, but I am certain that with just a little information either from sport or books, you would have noticed something very interesting about Swedish names and most especially with Swedish last names. Personally, I was able to easily spot this unique feature of Swedish last names by just watching soccer.
Statistically, it is reported that one-third of all Swedish surnames end with “-son”. This is a massive number of names that have this suffix. In fact, Swedish last names are saturated with suffixes. Commonly, you will also find names having these prominent suffixes; “-trom”, “-berg”, “-dahl”, “-in”, “-tedt”, “-gren” or “-en” and so on.
This rhythmic trait found in Swedish last names makes them very attractive and outstanding. You will have very little stress identifying someone who has Swedish roots because their Surnames give them up quite easily. Consequently, this article has a compilation of some great Swedish last names which you should take a look at.
Some Amazing Swedish Last Names and Surnames
Just as stated above, don’t be surprised to see that most of these Swedish last names will carry one of the suffixes mentioned. It is their trademark.
Abramson – It means ‘son of Abram or Abraham (the Biblical figure)’ and is a variation of the patronymic surname ‘Abram.’
Ahlberg – This Swedish surname is composed of the words ‘al,’ meaning ‘alder,’ and ‘berg,’ meaning ‘mountain.’
Ahlgren – This is a Swedish surname, composed of ‘al,’ meaning ‘alder,’ and ‘gren,’ meaning ‘branch.’
Ahlin – It is a Swedish surname and is composed of ‘al,’ which means ‘alder,’ and the ‘in’ is derived from the Latin word ‘inus,’ or ‘inius,’ which means ‘descendant of.’ This surname may have a topographic origin, adopted from a prominent alder tree at home.
Ahlman – This is a Swedish ornamental name composed of the prefix ‘al,’ which means ‘alder,’ and ‘man,’ meaning ‘man.’ In many places in Germany, this is a topographic name meaning ‘swamp man.’
Ahlquist – This ornamental surname consists of the words ‘al,’ which means ‘alder,’ and ‘quist,’ an old spelling for ‘kvist,’ which means ‘twig.’
Ahlstorm – It is an ornamental name composed of the elements ‘al,’ meaning ‘alder,’ and ‘storm,’ which means ‘river.’
Akerman – Known to be the Swedish form of Ackermann, this surname is composed of the prefix ‘aker,’ which means ‘field,’ and ‘man’ meaning ‘man.’
Akerson – This surname belongs to a small group of Swedish names that end with ‘son’ but is not a patronymic. It is an ornamental name composed of the elements ‘aker’ meaning ‘field,’ and son, means ‘son.’
Allinder – It is a common Swedish surname that has two elements, namely ‘al,’ which means ‘alder,’ and a common suffix ‘aner’ meaning ‘man’ in Greek.
Almstedt – This is an ornamental name derived from the Swedish words ‘alm,’ which means ‘elm,’ and ‘stad,’ meaning ‘town.’
Alvin – This is another ornamental name and consists of the elements ‘alv,’ which means ‘elf,’ and the common suffix ‘in.’
Ameen – It is a Swedish surname in which the first part ‘ame’ could be the name of a place, and the ‘en’ is derived from the Latin word ‘enius,’ meaning ‘relating to.’
Anderberg – This ornamental surname is composed of the elements ‘ander,’ which is probably derived from the Greek word ‘andros,’ meaning ‘man,’ and ‘berg,’ meaning ‘mountain.’
Andersson – This surname means ‘son of Anders or Andrew,’ which is derived from the Greek name ‘Andreas’ meaning ‘man’ or ‘manly.’ In Sweden, Andersson is one of the most common surnames.
Anfinson – A common surname in Sweden and Norway, it consists of the elements ‘arn,’ which means ‘eagle,’ and ‘finnr,’ meaning ‘Finn (Finnish).’
Angerman – This Swedish surname is a shortened form of the Latinized regional name ‘angermannius,’ which means ‘man from the country of Angermanland.’
Ansell – It is a compound name made of ‘ans,’ which is probably the name of a place, and ‘ell,’ a common suffix derived from the Latin word ‘elius.’
Aslin – This topographic name consists of the elements ‘as,’ meaning ‘ridge’ and ‘lin,’ a common suffix in Swedish last names.
Asplund – This ornamental surname is composed of the elements ‘asp,’ meaning ‘aspen, ‘ and ‘lund,’ meaning ‘grove.’
Axelson – This is a patronymic form of ‘axel,’ which means ‘divine source of life.’
Backlund – It is an ornamental name consisting of the elements ‘back,’ which means ‘hill,’ and ‘lund,’ which means ‘grove.’
Backman – It is an ornamental name consisting of the elements ‘back(e),’ meaning ‘hill,’ and ‘man,’ which means ‘man.’
Beckius – This is an ornamental name composed of the elements ‘back,’ which means ‘stream,’ and ‘ius,’ a common suffix.
Bergdahl – This ornamental name consists of the elements ‘berg,’ which means ‘mountain’ and ‘dal,’ meaning ‘valley.’
Berggren – This Swedish surname consists of the elements ‘berg,’ which means ‘mountain,’ and ‘gren,’ meaning ‘branch.’
Bergstedt – This ornamental Swedish surname consists of the elements ‘berg,’ which means ‘mountain,’ and ‘stedt,’ which could be the name of a place.
Bergsten – It is an ornamental surname consisting of the elements ‘berg,’ meaning ‘mountain,’ and ‘sten,’ which means ‘stone.’
Bergstrand – This ornamental name is composed of the elements ‘berg,’ which means ‘mountain,’ and ‘strand,’ meaning ‘shore.’
Birger – This Swedish surname is derived from the personal name ‘Birger,’ which means ‘one who saves, protects, or helps.’
Bjorklund – This is a habitational surname where ‘bjork’ means ‘birch’ and ‘lund means ‘grove.’
Bjornberg – This is an ornamental name meaning ‘bear mountain.’
Bjurstrom – This ornamental name consists of the elements ‘bjur,’ which means ‘beaver,’ and ‘strom,’ which means ‘river.’
Blaustein – Of German origin, this Swedish surname consists of two elements; the first element, ‘blau,’ means ‘blue,’ and the second element, ‘stein,’ means ‘stone.’
Blixt – It could be a soldier’s name or an ornamental name. It means ‘bolt of lightning.’
Blomberg – It is an ornamental surname, where ‘blom’ stands for ‘flower or bloom’ and ‘berg,’ which means ‘mountain.’
Blomgren – This Swedish surname is composed of the elements ‘blom,’ which means ‘flower or bloom,’ and ‘gren,’ which means ‘branch.’
Boberg – It is a habitual name composed of the elements ‘bo,’ which means ‘dwelling,’ and ‘berg’ which means ‘mountain.’
Bodeen – This is a topographic name with the elements ‘bod,’ which means ‘small hut,’ and the suffix ‘en,’ which is Latin for ‘genius.’ It may also be a habitational name.
Bolling – It is an ornamental name that consists of the element ‘boll,’ meaning ‘belonging to,’ and the common suffix, ‘ing.’ It might also be a habitational name.
Boman – It could be an ornamental name as it contains the elements ‘bo,’ meaning ‘dwelling,’ and ‘man,’ which means ‘man.’ It could also be a topographic name for someone who lived on an outlying homestead.
Branting – This could be a habitational name. The element ‘brant’ means ‘steep hill,’ and ‘ing’ is a common suffix in Swedish surnames.
Bratt – This surname is derived from the old Norse personal name ‘Brattr,’ which means ‘majestic,’ or ‘proud.’
Broberg – This is an ornamental name composed of the elements ‘bro,’ meaning ‘bridge,’ and ‘berg,’ meaning ‘mountain.’
Brunell – An ornamental name, it consists of ‘brun,’ meaning ‘brown,’ and the suffix ‘ell,’ which is a derivative of the Latin word ‘elius.’
Callander – This could be a variant of ‘Karl,’ meaning ‘man,’ and ‘ander,’ an ornamental suffix from the Greek words ‘aner,’ or ‘andros.’
Carby – This could be a habitational name in Sweden and is derived from the words ‘karl,’ meaning ‘freeman,’ and ‘byr,’ which means ‘village.’
Cederholm – It is an ornamental name composed of the elements ‘ceder,’ meaning ‘cedar,’ and ‘holm,’ meaning ‘island.’
Clarin – It might be a derivative of the word ‘klar,’ which means ‘clear,’ and the suffix ‘inus,’ is derived from Latin and means ‘descendant of.’
Cornell – This Swedish last name is derived from Latin and means ‘horn.’ It may also be a soldier’s name.
Cronquist – This ornamental surname consists of ‘kron,’ which means ‘crown,’ and ‘quist,’ which is the old spelling of ‘kvist,’ meaning ‘twig.’
Dahl – This popular Swedish surname is derived from an Old Norse name ‘dalr,’ which means ‘valley.’ A well-known personality with this surname is Roald Dahl, whose popular works include Matilda and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Dahlberg – This Swedish surname is also an ornamental name. The first element, ‘dal,’ means ‘valley,’ and the second element, ‘berg,’ means ‘mountain.’
Dahmen – This surname consists of two elements. The first one, ‘Dahm,’ could be the name of a place, while the suffix ‘en’ is derived from the Latin word ‘enius,’ which means ‘relating to.’
Degn – This Swedish surname is derived from an occupational name ‘degn,’ which means ‘deacon,’ which is further derived from the Latin word ‘diaconus,’ which means ‘servant.’
Ekbald – This is an ornamental name that consists of ‘ek,’ which means ‘oak,’ and ‘blad,’ meaning ‘leaf.’
Ekholm – This ornamental name consists of the elements ‘ek,’ meaning ‘oak’ and ‘holm’ meaning ‘island.’
Ekstrand – This ornamental name is composed of the elements ‘ek,’ which means ‘oak,’ and ‘strand,’ meaning ‘shore.’
Eld – This Swedish surname is derived from the Old Norse name ‘eldr,’ which means ‘flame,’ or ‘fire.’
Elg – It is an ornamental Swedish surname derived from the word ‘alg,’ which means ‘moose.’
Eliasson – This is a patronymic form of the personal name ‘Elias,’ which is a name borne by a Biblical prophet.
Elm – It is an ornamental name derived from the word ‘alm(e),’ which means ‘elm grove.’
Enberg – This could be an ornamental name as it is composed of the elements ‘en,’ which means ‘juniper,’ and ‘berg,’ meaning ‘mountain.’
Eriksson – It is a Swedish patronymic surname meaning ‘son of Erik.’ The personal name Eric is composed of the element ‘ei,’ which means ‘one, alone, unique,’ and ‘rikr,’ which means ‘king,’ or ‘ruler.’
Fager – This is probably an ornamental name or a derivative of a by name. It means ‘handsome’ or ‘beautiful.’
Fahlgren – This is an ornamental-habitational name formed with the elements ‘fal,’ which means ‘plain,’ and ‘gren,’ meaning ‘branch.’
Ferm – This could be a soldier’s name derived from the Swedish word ‘farm,’ which means ‘prompt,’ or ‘ready.’
Flink – In Swedish, the word ‘flink’ means ‘quick,’ ‘agile,’ or ‘nimble.’ It could be a monothematic name adopted by a group of peasants serving in the army and later transmitted to their descendants.
Floren – This ornamental name is derived from the word ‘flor,’ which means ‘flower’ and the suffix ‘en’ is derived from the Latin word ‘enius, meaning ‘relating to.’
Grahn – It could be an ornamental name derived from the word ‘gran,’ which means ‘spruce.’ It could also be a topographical name after a place called Gran.
Granat – This could be a soldier’s name derived from the word ‘granat,’ which means ‘grenade’ or ‘shell.’
Grendahl – It is an ornamental Swedish last name with two elements. The first one, ‘gren,’ means ‘branch,’ and the second one, ‘dahl,’ means ‘valley.’
Gullickson – This is a patronymic name derived from the personal name ‘Gullik,’ which is further derived from an Old Norse name ‘Gudleikr’ which is a compound of ‘gud’ meaning ‘God’ and ‘leikr,’ which means ‘fight’ or ‘struggle.’
Gunnarson – Another patronymic name, ‘Gunnarson’ is derived from the personal name ‘Gunnar,’ which in turn is derived from an Old Norse name Gunnarr, which consists of the elements ‘gunn,’ which means ‘battle,’ and ‘arr,’ meaning ‘warrior.’
Hagberg – This could be an ornamental name; it consists of the elements ‘hage,’ meaning ‘enclosure,’ and ‘berg,’ which means ‘hill.’
Hammar – This is a habitational name derived from a place named ‘hamarr,’ which is an Old Norse name and means ‘crag,’ or ‘cliff.’
Hannson – This patronymic name is derived from the personal name ‘Hans,’ which means ‘the Lord is gracious.’ Hansson means ‘son of Hans.’
Hassel – It could be an ornamental name derived from the Swedish word ‘hassel,’ which means ‘hazel.’ It could also be a habitational name containing the element ‘Hassel.’
Hedberg – This ornamental Swedish last name is composed of the elements ‘hed,’ which means ‘heath’ or ‘moor,’ and ‘berg, which’ means ‘hill.’
Hellen – It is an ornamental Swedish name formed from the words ‘hall,’ which means ‘rock’ or ‘stone,’ and the suffix ‘en,’ which is derived from the Latin word ‘enius.’
Ingerman – It is a regional name derived from a place known as Ingermanland (Ingria), which is a former province between Finland and Russia.
Isberg – This ornamental name is composed of the elements ‘is,’ which means ‘ice,’ and ‘berg,’ which means ‘mountain.’
Jansson – It is a patronymic name derived from the personal name ‘jan,’ which is a reduced form of ‘Johannes.’
Johansson – This is one of the most common Swedish surnames after Anderson. It is a patronymic name, which means ‘son of Johan.’
Kallgren – This ornamental name consists of the elements ‘kalla,’ which means ‘spring’ or ‘source,’ and ‘gren,’ meaning ‘twig.’
Kalmar – This Swedish last name is a habitational name and is derived from the name of a seaport known as ‘Kalmar,’ which is located opposite the island of Oland.
Karlsson – It is another common surname in Sweden and is a patronymic name meaning, ‘son of Karl,’ or ‘ Karl’s son.’ The common alternative spelling for it is Carlsson.
Kindell – This ornamental surname consists of the word ‘kind,’ which means ‘family’ or ‘tribe,’ and the suffix ‘ell,’ which is derived from the Latin word ‘elius.’
Kjellberg – It is an ornamental name composed of the elements ‘kalla,’ which means ‘spring,’ and ‘berg,’ which means ‘mountain.’
Kronholm – It is an ornamental name that is composed of the elements ‘kron,’ which means ‘Crown,’ and ‘holm,’ which means ‘inlet’ or ‘island.’
Kvistad – This could be a habitational name named after the place Kvistad, or it could be an ornamental name consisting of the elements ‘kvist,’ which means ‘twig’ and ‘stad,’ which means ‘town.’
Lagergren – This ornamental name is composed of the elements ‘lager,’ which means ‘laurel,’ and ‘gren,’ which means ‘branch.’
Landberg – This ornamental Swedish last name contains two elements. The first one is ‘land,’ which means ‘land,’ and the second element, ‘berg,’ means ‘hill,’ or ‘mountain.’
Landin – This Swedish surname consists of two elements; the first one is ‘land,’ which means ‘land,’ and the second one is a common suffix in Swedish surnames and is derived from the Latin word ‘inius,’ which means ‘descendant of.’
Levander – This Swedish surname has many origins. Some say it is an ornamental name picked by a 19th-century priest from the name of his home farm, Hjartungen, with Hjarta standing for ‘heart,’ which is translated as ‘lev’ in Hebrew. The suffix ‘ander’ is derived from the Greek word ‘andr’ meaning ‘man.’ Others say it is derived from Levene, a place in the Vastergotland province.
Liden – It is an ornamental name that consists of two parts; the first one is ‘lid,’ which means ‘hill,’ and the common suffix ‘en’ is derived from the Latin word ‘enius.’
Lilijedahl – This Swedish surname is composed of the elements ‘lilije,’ which means ‘lilly,’ and ‘dahl,’ which is an old spelling of ‘dal,’ meaning ‘valley.’
Lindbeck – This ornamental name is composed of the elements ‘lind,’ which means ‘lime tree,’ and ‘beck,’ which means ‘stream.’
Lindborg – This is another ornamental name and consists of the elements ‘lind,’ which means ‘lime tree,’ and ‘borg,’ which means ‘castle.’
Lindgren – It is an ornamental name composed of the elements ‘lind,’ which means ‘lime tree,’ and ‘gren,’ which means ‘branch.’
Lundeen – This Swedish surname is an ornamental name composed of the element ‘lund,’ which means ‘grove,’ and the suffix ‘een’ is derived from the Latin word ‘enius.’
Lundholm – It is an ornamental surname composed of the elements ‘lund,’ which means ‘grove,’ and ‘holm,’ which means ‘island.’
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Mahlberg – The first element of this surname might be the ornamental spelling of a place name element ‘mal,’ which means ‘gravel.’ The second element, ‘berg,’ means ‘mountain.’
Malmberg – This ornamental name is composed of ‘malm,’ which means ‘ore,’ and ‘berg,’ meaning ‘mountain.’
Mathiason – It is a patronymic derived from the personal name ‘Mathias,’ which is the Swedish form of ‘Matthew.’
Moberg – This is an ornamental or a topographic name composed of the elements ‘mo,’ which means ‘sandy heath,’ and ‘berg,’ which means ‘mountain.’
Mogren – It is an ornamental name that is composed of the elements ‘mo,’ which means ‘sandy heath,’ and ‘gren,’ which means ‘branch.’
Mossberg – This ornamental Swedish surname is composed of the elements ‘mosse,’ which means ‘peat bog,’ and ‘berg,’ which means ‘mountain.’
Naslund – This is an ornamental or a topographic name that consists of the elements ‘nas,’ which means ‘narrow neck of land,’ and ‘lund,’ which means ‘grove.’
Nordin – This is a common Swedish surname that is carried by more than 10, 000 people in Sweden. It is an ornamental name formed by the elements ‘nord,’ which means ‘north,’ and the common suffix ‘in,’ which is derived from the Lantin word ‘inius,’ meaning ‘descendant of.’
Nordman – It is a Swedish surname composed of the elements ‘nord,’ which means ‘north,’ and ‘man,’ meaning ‘man.’
Nordmark – It is an ornamental name that consists of the elements ‘nord,’ which means ‘north,’ and ‘mark,’ which means ‘land.’
Norgaard – This is a habitational name meaning ‘northfarm’ and is derived from ‘nord,’ which means ‘north,’ and ‘gard,’ which means ‘farm.’
Nyholm – It is an ornamental name composed of the elements ‘ny,’ which means ‘new,’ and ‘holm,’ which in Old Norse means ‘island.’
Nylander – It is a topographic or ornamental name which means ‘dweller on new land,’ wherein ‘ny’ means ‘new’ and ‘land’ means ‘land’ with the suffix ‘er.’
Oberg – It is an ornamental name composed of ‘O,’ meaning is ‘island,’ and ‘berg,’ meaning ‘mountain.’
Oquist – This ornamental name is composed of the elements ‘O,’ which means ‘island,’ and ‘quist,’ which is an old ornamental spelling of ‘kvist,’ meaning ‘twig.’
Osbeck – It could be an ornamental or topographic name composed of three elements, wherein ‘os’ means ‘river mouth,’ ‘as’ means ‘hill’ or ‘ridge,’ and ‘beck’ means ‘stream.’
Oster – This topographic surname is derived from the Swedish name ‘Oster,’ which means ‘eastern,’ and denotes someone who lives to the east of a settlement.
Osterling – It is an ornamental name that consists of the elements ‘oster,’ meaning ‘eastern’ and the common suffix ‘ling.’
Palme – This is a surname adopted by a notable Swedish family in honor of their founder Palme Lyder, a merchant who came to Ystad in Sweden from the Netherlands.
Quarnstrom – This ornamental name is composed of the elements ‘kvarn,’ which means ‘mill,’ and ‘strom,’ which means ‘river.’
Rosander – The ornamental name consists of the element ‘ros,’ which means ‘rose,’ and the suffix ‘ander,’ which is derived from the Greek word ‘aner,’ meaning ‘man.’
Ryden – It is an ornamental name with two elements. ‘Ryd’ refers to ‘woodland clearing,’ and the common suffix ‘-en’ is derived from the Latin word ‘enius.’
Safstrom – It is an ornamental name composed of the Swedish name ‘saf,’ which is an old ornamental spelling of ‘sav’ meaning ‘rush,’ and ‘strom,’ meaning ‘river.’
Sandahl – This ornamental name consists of the elements ‘sand’ meaning ‘sand’ and ‘dahl,’ which is an ornamental spelling of ‘dal,’ meaning ‘valley.’
Sandvik – This is an ornamental name composed of the elements ‘sand,’ which means ‘sand,’ and ‘vik,’ which means ‘bay’ or ‘inlet.’
Satterlund – This ornamental Swedish surname consists of the first element ‘satter,’ which means ‘mountain pasture,’ and the second element ‘lund,’ which means ‘grove.’
Segerson – It is a patronymic surname derived from the personal name ‘Siger,’ which is further derived from the Old Norse word ‘sigr,’ meaning ‘victory’ and the suffix ‘ar,’ meaning ‘warrior.’
Selberg – This Swedish last name is composed of two elements, namely ‘sel,’ which means ‘a stretch of smooth water,’ and ‘berg,’ which means ‘mountain.’
Settergren – This ornamental name is composed of two elements, namely ‘sater,’ which means ‘mountain pasture,’ and ‘gren’ meaning ‘branch.’
Sjoberg – It is an ornamental name composed of the elements ‘sjo,’ which means ‘sea,’ and ‘berg,’ which means ‘mountain.’
Skarin – This is an ornamental or topographic name composed of the word ‘skar,’ which means ‘edge,’ and the suffix ‘in,’ which is derived from the Latin word ‘inius.’
Spong – It is a topographic or ornamental name derived from the word ‘spang,’ which means ‘footbridge,’ or ‘plank.’
Stahlberg – This ornamental Swedish last name is composed of the elements ‘stahl,’ which means ‘steel,’ and ‘berg,’ meaning ‘mountain.’
Sundstorm – This is probably an ornamental name as it is composed of the elements ‘sund,’ meaning ‘strait,’ and ‘strom,’ meaning ‘river.’ It could also be a topographical name for someone who lived by a river running into a strait.
Svensson – It is a patronymic name derived from the personal name ‘Sven,’ which is in turn derived from the Old Norse word ‘Sveinn,’ which is originally a by name meaning ‘boy’ or ‘servant.’
Sylvan – This name is a derivative of the Latin name ‘sylvanus,’ which means ‘forest.’
Thunberg – It is an ornamental name derived from the word ‘thun,’ which is an old spelling of ‘tun,’ which means ‘fence or yard’ and ‘berg,’ which means ‘mountain.’
Torborg – It is a Swedish last name derived from the personal name ‘Tor or Thor,’ which means ‘thunder,’ and ‘borg,’ which means ‘fortress.’
Underberg – This is a topographic name for someone who lived at the foot of a hill.
Vallerstedt – This ornamental name is formed from the words ‘vall,’ which means ‘grazing ground,’ and ‘stedt,’ which means ‘place.’ The infix ‘er’ is of German origin but is also common among Swedish surnames.
Vallin – This is a habitational name where ‘val’ means ‘valley’ or ‘ grassy pasture.’ The suffix ‘in’ is derived from the Latin word ‘inius,’ which means ‘descendant of.’
Vangberg – It is an ornamental name formed by the elements ‘vang,’ which means ‘field’ or ‘meadow,’ and ‘berg,’ meaning ‘mountain.’
Vasterberg – This is an ornamental or habitational name composed of the elements ‘vaster,’ meaning ‘western,’ and ‘berg,’ which means ‘mountain.’
Vastin – This ornamental surname is composed of ‘vast,’ meaning ‘west’ and the common suffix ‘in.’
Viklund – It is an ornamental name composed of the elements ‘vik,’ meaning ‘bay,’ and lund, which means ‘grove.’
Windell – This is an ornamental name composed of the elements ‘vind,’ which means ‘wind,’ and the common suffix ‘ell,’ which is derived from the Latin word ‘elius.’
Wingard – It is an ornamental name formed by the elements ‘vin,’ which means ‘wind,’ and ‘gard,’ meaning ‘farmhouse.’
Zetterberg – This is an ornamental name composed of the elements ‘zetter,’ which is derived from the name of a place named ‘sater,’ which means ‘mountain pasture,’ and the word ‘berg,’ means ‘mountain.’
Certainly, in terms of identity, Swedish last names rank very high in this regard. As such, it is rather rare to find a Swedish last name that does not carry a suffix. However, is a positive thing as most people have been drawn to these surnames by the mere presence of these suffixes.
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