17 Things Guys Hate In a Relationship That Girls Do 2020
17 Things Guys Hate In a Relationship That Girls Do 2020.
Human relationships are very dynamic and there are many explanations why a relationship leads to a divorce or a break up. To avoid this, go through this amazing lists provided below for you
Many times, for no significant reasons, the clouds appear in a relationship and here we present some stuff that women do that guys really hate!
Some of them can sound a little ridiculous, as you will see, but they are important explanations for many break-ups. Never underestimate them and keep them in mind, if you want your relationship to stay safe.
She Says Never Mind, I’ll Do It Myself
This simply means that he’s incapable of doing it. That can hurt a man’s ego and he can resist change. Perhaps, it might work if you said, “Honey, can you support us in doing this. I know you’re busy but I’d love your expert help here.”
She’s Too Attached to Him
This is something you should seriously take in concern. You may be his other part, but it doesn’t mean you should have one body! Your bodies should remain two! Men need their space, hobbies and time.
They need them much more than women do. Don’t get stuck on him and leave him breathe. Many women have this bad habit for many reasons, like she wants to get married fast or she may has many insecurities.
Believe me, men really hate this one. All things need their time and if you have insecurities, it’s a better idea to see a doctor. Respect their privacy!
Do You Remember This Day?
It’s true that men forget important days and don’t remember small details of past conversations. The better way is to lovingly tell your husband that he works so hard for the family that he sometimes forgets things.
Gently remind him what it is and expect a memorable day ahead. Now watch how he surprises you with a plan for an unforgettable evening
She Uses Her Ex as an Example
Please avoid it. It’s the worst thing to do to a man. He always needs to feel perfect for you and he hates your ex, even if he doesn’t know him.
Using your ex as an example means that you believe, he was better and you never managed to forget him. To give you a tip, never talk about your ex at all.
She’s Making Too Many Suggestions and Remarks
He is not perfect and you knew it from the first time you met him. It’s no big deal if he doesn’t load the dish washing machine the way you want, or he usually forgets to lower the toilet seat.
For an unknown reason women always know better. I really don’t get this. Please if anyone can explain this to me, please comment below!
She Misunderstands His Jokes
It’s all about sense of humor. Women often think that a joke, by her man, has a deeper meaning and they don’t get, that’s “it’s just a joke”.
They try to find what is hidden behind and what he wanted to say. The result is not only she don’t even smile but in many cases she gets angry! As a man, with my own sense of humor, I have faced it many times.
Believe me, if a man has the intention to say something bad to his girl, he won’t do it with a joke! There would choose one of the other one million ways to do it.
Generally, couples with different sense of humor, are facing serious problems with their relationship, because they actually are different personalities.
Why didn’t you tell me this before
Men are forgetful by nature but confronting him could make matters worse. “Honey, I heard that….but looks like you forgot to tell me.
I felt a bit bad but I’m sure it just slipped your mind. Do remember to tell me the next time,” might work better.
She Doesn’t Like His Family and Friends
When you are in a relationship it’s obvious that you should accept your partner’s family and friends. Despite it seems very logical, in many cases, she doesn’t like them and keeps distance between them and her.
If you plan to live for a long time with your partner, you have some basic things to accept, even if you don’t want to. Especially his friends, are very important to him and you have to compromise with it.
She Is Too Attached To Her Parents
When you decide to have a relationship, that may lead to a marriage or if you are already married, you have to realize that your parents should not be your first priority.
That doesn’t mean you should forget them, but you current main priority should be your partner and later on, both your kids and husband.
That’s something women cannot easily understand, and it’s something that men really hate to face. For example if you have to make an important decision, the one you should discuss it with is your partner only.
You can always talk about it with your parents, but if all of your decisions are according to your parents will, then there will be definitely a problem.
She Is Always In a Bad Mood
Statistically women are in a bad mood, more often than men. That’s something normal, but the abnormal is to be sad all the time.
Patience may fix it in short term, but men are not known for it. The first thought that passes a man’s mind, is that he does something wrong and that she is not easily satisfied.
Girls, keep in mind that he is doing his best to make you happy, but he does it on his own way. Try to understand him, and the drama queen game isn’t something that most men like.
She Spends the Half Day In Front of a Mirror
All men like to have a beautiful woman by their side, until she finds some time to be by their side. A relationship is not based on beauty.
It adds a small stone, but it’s not the main ingredient at all! Spending too many hours in front of a mirror has many extensions as well.
All this time he is alone She is always late at her dates He thinks that she is caring more about herself than his partner He thinks that she is trying to find someone new They may be more, but these four are enough to get it.
She’s too Jealous
Jealousy can keep the fire, in a healthy relationship, burning. But too much jealousy, has exactly the opposite results.
Your relationship is still healthy, if one day he announce to you that he wants to hang out with his friends or you catch him staring at another woman. Both of them are natural.
As we already mentioned above, men needs space. If you love him, give it to them and don’t play this bad game.
She Can’t Stop Talking
Unstoppable talking is also a serious problem for men. Gossiping is none of men’s interests. It’s actually really boring to them.
Communication is necessary for a good and healthy relationship, but pick topics that both of you like. In this case, he will talk more than you do (lie).
She Is Spending Too Much Money
On your first date he may was too much of a show off, but this was only because he wanted to conquer you.
Spending money uncontrollably, means a lot about your personality and what you really want from a relationship. Men, do imagine you as their kids mother and that’s really a bad sign for them.
They don’t need a gold digger for their children’s mother. You may like expensive dresses, perfumes, cars or whatever, but you are not the kind of woman, that men like to make family with.
She Purposely Flirting With Other Guys to Make Us Jealous.
We can tell when you’re having a light-hearted conversation and when you’re flirting to get at us. This is not a good way to communicate… especially if you’re having relationship issue. Be a straight shooter and don’t play games, because it will bite you in the ass later.
She’s Comparing our Relationship to the Relationships of Others.
Let me tell you something about Facebook… everyone looks happy in their relationship online. That’s what they want you to think.
They want to feel better about themselves knowing their façade made you feel bad about yourself. But here’s the thing: every relationship is messy in its own way and NO relationship is perfect.
So go out, enjoy your life and stop living in envy. Show gratitude for what you have and appreciate the partner you are with.
Dropping Overt Passive Aggressive Hints.
We get it, you want something from us… maybe a vacation, a night out, or the dishes cleaned… but instead of telling us directly and in a kind way, you drop an obvious hint.
Him: “Hey babe, why do you keep drawing circles on this map?”
Her: “Because you never take me on vacation anymore.”
This is a poor excuse for communication and is the definition of passive aggression. You can be both direct and caring with your words as you tell him what you need and why.
It is imperative for your relationship to include both of you… both of your needs, and both of your wants.