6 Unique Factors That Triggers us to fall in Love
– Factors That Triggers us to fall in Love –
They say love is a beautiful thing. An unexplainable surge of emotions towards another, the intertwining of two souls. Here are some factors that contribute to what makes people fall in love.
Love develops, no matter how it makes you feel or behave, and there are a variety of events that inevitably lead people to fall in love. Love has no definite cause, unlike most other phenomena in life, and can be caused by uncanny situations, incidents and occurrences.
Over the years, research has shed light on the cause and mechanism of falling in love with the chemicals involved, such as dopamine, oxytocin, norepinephrine, phenylethylamine, testosterone and the rest.
But then, love isn’t just about some chemicals. It’s a feature of personal history and preference.
When They Make You Feel Safe
Care, affection, and attention, are characteristics of love. You are bound to develop feelings for him/her if a person makes you feel secure through constant care, affection and concern.
Human beings are social creatures, and as such, people who show you care, attention and affection are easily drawn to you.
Nick Cannon once said, “I think that caring for your significant other through good and bad times is one of the most important things in a relationship.” When someone cares for you, you feel secure.
The way a person laughs could trigger emotions and prompt you to fall in love. Laughter plays an important role in any relationship, and sometimes you realize you may start to laugh like the person you are in a relationship with.
Suddenly you love the sound of their laughter so much that you subconsciously begin to mimic their own style of laughter, and trust me it is perfectly natural.
Many don’t realize this, but when you fall in love with someone, you tend to borrow their body language and speech pattern; it’s not awkward there’s a scientific explanation to it.
“A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside,” Denis Waitley.
The Way They Smell Smells are Emotional Triggers
When the relationship went south and we parted ways, I met an amazing guy once when I had an ex who used a particular perfume, but I instantly hated him because he used the same perfume as my ex.
When you have been in a relationship or dating someone for a very long time, you master how they smell. This situation also works the other way round. I miss your scent. I miss it so much often that I can distinctly smell you in it.
You tend to fall in love with someone who has similar traits and interests as you, share your love for art, music, food or any other thing. I have always seen similarities as the primary cause of people falling in love.
I once had a friend Jeff who loved to paint water lilies; he would sit for hours by the sides, colouring these magnificent plants.
Unfortunately, his art seemingly made it impossible to keep any relationship going as most women he met complained he seldom gave them enough attention nor spent substantial time with them until he met Lisa.
Lisa was an art major, and the moment the two met, it was like a match made in watercolour heaven.
The similarity of interest is indeed a major factor that influences who you fall in love with
Physical Characteristics
We’ve heard of people drooling over actors and fitness models. Physical characteristic since ancient times has been a contributing factor in falling in love.
Also, The reason is not far-fetched; the general attraction to a person is primarily focused on the outer physical appearance.
Firstly, a term most prefers to call ‘infatuation.’ Whichever the case, physical characteristics such as beauty, height, smile, and colour of the eyes, sure contribute to what makes you fall in love with someone.
To Grow Beyond Ourselves
A psychologist at UCLA Martie Haselton believes love is a “commitment device,” a means by which two human beings encourage themselves to form lasting bonds through sharing of traits that promote personal development.
Another study conducted by Arthur Aron a psychologist at Stony Brook University suggests that the basic instinct of a human being is to “expand the self and to increase our abilities and our effectiveness.”
Learning one or two from a person can trigger emotions that may ultimately lead to true love. In conclusion, there is no definite pattern to falling in love, it could happen with anyone, anyway and under any given circumstance.