Warlock Names Capable of Giving You Goose Bumps
Warlock Names Capable of Giving You Chills and Bumps.
Warlock Names: We all love the fright and spooky feelings of warlock stories and movies. These stories contain enchanting warlock names and titles. With the high curiosity we all have, magic, witchcraft, sorcery, and the likes always intrigue us.
We love the fictional series and bloody stories of vampire warlocks with their witch names. Powerful characters with mystical names doing captivating stuff either with a wand or just their hands and eyes are really a treat for us. (Adderall)
If you are a fan of these kinds of stories which we believe you are, you will surely love to read a few of these lines and ponder on some of these warlock names.
Warlock Names for Male Kids
Male magical characters have the most amazing names. Male warlock and witch names can be so attractive. Enjoy the list.
1. Alatar
Alatar means “after comer,” and it’s most recognizable from the Lord of the Rings.
In Tolkien’s world, Alatar was an immortal Istar wizard who was sent to Middle Earth to aid the fight against Sauron. Alatar is a strong moniker, though it might be better suited as a middle name.
2. Aspen
Possibly most famed in the U.S. for being the name of the famous ski city, Aspen is also a tall, slim tree with flowy leaves.
These traits make the name transfer nicely to a person with similar attributes. There are several works where Aspen was the name of a fictional warlock or even a witch. This might explain why it’s making ground as a girl’s name too
3. Atlantes
In chansons de geste, Atlantes was featured as a highly powerful sorcerer. He built a castle in the Pyrenes just to keep the captured ladies and knights as a diversion for Ruggiero.
He did it for him because he feared that Ruggiero would convert to Christianity and help Charlemagne against Saracens.
4. Blaise
Blaise is of French and Latin origin and means “to lisp.”
It was the name of Merlin’s master, who was a powerful warlock, according to Arthurian Legend. The name’s resemblance to Blaze gives it a modern, trendy vibe. It’s not common in the U.S., so it would be an unusual choice for a 21st-century baby
5. Eliphas
Eliphas is a variant of Alphonso and means ‘eager for war’. Alphonse Louis Constant, better known as Eliphas Levi Zahed, is the man accountable for all the mystical arts we’re aware of today.
In the 19th century, Eliphas distilled belief systems of Christianity and Judaism to fringe beliefs alchemy and Tarot.
6. George
George Pickingill was a frightening and tall 19th century man with long and sharp fingernails, which made him look a warlock. But it wasn’t just his appearance that prompted people into saying that he’s into witchcraft. George was also a practitioner of folk magic. The meaning of the name George is ‘farmer’.
7. Gerald
Gerald Gardener was single-handedly responsible for popularizing Paganism and Wicca in the 50s and 60s. It’s believed that Gardener was both warlock and an author. The name Gerald means ‘ruler of the spear’
8. Mark
Mark translates from Latin to “warlike.”
While it is probably best known as the name of the Apostle and gospel author, in the world of wicked warlocks, the name is associated with Mark Eadicicco. Mark Eadicicco, who claims to be a psychic, medium and witch, is making waves in the Pagan community of New York City, being a respected tarot card reader.
9. Max
Typically a diminutive of Maximilian, derived from the Latin Maximillus meaning “greatest,” Max can stand up as an independent name.
Fans of the fantasy film, The Princess Bride, may remember “Miracle Max,” the miracle worker and medicine man played by Billy Crystal.
10. Merlin
The most famous Merlin is the sorcerer and mentor of King Arthur. The name is from Welsh and translates to “sea fortress.”
Despite its old age, Merlin doesn’t sound as intimidating as some of the other fifth-century wizard names.
11. Ommin
“Star Wars” fan would recognize Ommin as the Sith sorcerer and a descendant of the Dark Lord of the Sith Freedon Nadd. In our opinion, Ommin is one of the friendliest sounding warlock names in our opinion as it doesn’t sound absurd even a wee bit.
12. Oscar
Not many know that Oscar was the real name of the famous Wizard of the Oz. Despite being a grandpa name, Oscar is still taking over trendy urban names like Sam and Max. In fact, even actor Hugh Jackman picked this name for his son. The meaning of Oscar is ‘God spear’.
13. Percy
Percy is a French surname, derived from the place name, Percy-en-Auge.
Percy is downright adorable — it’s soft for a baby, yet masculine enough for an adult to bear. The name is in several mythological novels and movies such as the Percy Jackson stories, as well as Harry Potter.
14. Phoenix
Phoenix is the name of a mythological bird that reincarnates through the ashes of its predecessor.
The bird has long been a symbol of immortality and is used for characters in many supernatural books and movies.
The character “Phoenix Talon” appears in the Indie video game, Wizard of Legend. While not currently a prominent first name, its most famous owner is the Joker and Gladiator actor, Joaquin Phoenix. It’s also well known as the state capital of Arizona in the U.S.
15. Puck
In English folklore, Puck, also known as Robin Goodfellow, is nature sprite, demon, or fairy. Shakespeare then adopted the name in his play “A Midsummer’s Night Dream”. And today, Puck from “GLEE” is giving new possibilities to this name. The meaning of Puck is ‘unsettled’
16. Saruman
The name Saruman means to ‘man of kill’. Saruman, also known Saruman the White, was a wizard, residing in the Middle Earth during the third age. He was initially a member of the White Council, but his extensive study of black magic planted the desire for One Ring himself.
17. Severus
Severus means “stern” in Latin.
The name gained some literary credentials after its appearance in Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park. However, most of us recognize it from the stern wizard professor at Hogwarts, Severus Snape.
18. Talon
Talon is of French origin, translating tor “large bird claw on prey.”
Despite its meaning, Talon is finding great success thanks to its “on” ending, which is trending at the moment. The Indie video game, “Wizard of Legend,” has a character called Phoenix Talon, but we think “Talon Phoenix” sounds as good.
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Warlock Names for Female Kids
The argument still remains that female warlocks are more powerful than their male counterpart. Female warlock names are quite interesting too. Let’s check out a few of their mystical names.
19. Agnes
The meaning of the name Agnes, though, is ‘pure’ or ‘holy’. Agnes translates from Greek to “pure” or “virginal.” Agnes was the name of the first woman in England executed for witchcraft in 1566. Agnes Waterhouse was referred to as Mother Waterhouse.
20. Agate
Agate is French and means “good woman.”
Despite its French roots, most of us associate it with the stone, agate. It’s used often in witchcraft. There is a stone, agate, used for healing, and some hold that it has magical powers.
21. Alice
The meaning of Alice is ‘noble’. Its etymology is German. Dame Alice Kyteler, a wealthy woman whose husbands had the habit of dying and leaving everything to her, was one of the first witches of Ireland.
In the year 1324, the church put Alice on trial for heading a society of sorcerers and having associations with an incubus. But Alice disappeared, leaving her son and servant to be charged instead of her.
22. Alizon
The name Alizon refers to Pendle Witches, a group of healer women, hanged in the year 1612. Alizon, along with her mother Elizabeth and grandmother Demdike, were arrested on the charges of witchcraft.
But people believed that Alizon and her family were hung not because they indulged in witchcraft, but because they happened to be healers and Catholics, something which looked irrelevant to a Protestant king. As a name Alizon, with a Z, is a lovely spin on an old favorite. It means ‘son of Alice’.
23. Allegra
Allegra has an Italian origin having the meaning “joyful,” “happy,” or “lively.”
The name can refer to the British poet George Gordon’s illegitimate daughter, Allegra Byron, the stepsister of Mary Shelley.
You pronounce the name, ah-leg-rah. Allegra is perceived by many to be a pagan name. It’s a character name in an animated Japanese fantasy film, Jack and the Witch. Before you name your child Allegra, though, you may want to consider that it is also the name of a popular allergy medication.
24. Andromeda
In Greek mythology, Andromeda was the daughter of Cassiopeia, who was transformed into a constellation by Zeus.
25. Angela
The name Angela stands for ‘angel’.
Angela de la Barthe was one of the most notorious witches of the 13th century. She was burned by the people for committing atrocious deeds, which included giving birth to a snake-wolf demon, which supposedly ate children of the area.
But in reality, Angela was a mentally ill woman, whose only crime was siding with Gnostic Christianity, a religious sect disapproved by the Catholics.
26. Ariadne
Ariadne comes from Greece and translates as “most holy.” The name has received some modifications over the years and is now more famous as Ariana.
If you’re looking for a pagan-worthy name, Ariadne, is also known as the “High Fruitful Mother,” and is a fertility goddess of the moon, so it’s a good option to go with. It’s not entirely unknown in the U.S., as it entered the top 1,000 in 2014.
27. Astra
“Of the stars” is the Greek translation of this name.
It has an intergalactic appeal because it is used in comic books, fantasy, supernatural, and sci-fi characters, such as Princess Astra from Doctor Who.
28. Asterope
Asterope stems from Greek mythology, where it was the name of a Hesperid, nymphs of the evening and golden light. The name translates to “starry-face,” but its idiomatic meaning is “lightning.”
29. Beatrix
Beatrix is of Dutch and Latin sources and means “she who brings happiness” or “blessed.”
Beatrix is not a hipster version of Beatrice. It was the name of a midwife convicted of witchcraft during the late 1500s and early 1600s, Beatrix Leslie. Beatrix is well-known, mostly from the creator of Peter Rabbit, Beatrix Potter. However, it’s not a common name today.
30. Belinda
Belinda is a pagan name of European origin that has several translations, one of which is “beautiful snake.”
That made it popular in the 17th century, at a time when snakes symbolized immortality and wisdom. In Babylonian mythology, Belinda was the goddess of earth and heaven.
31. Bessie
Bessie Dunlop was a Scottish psychic and a witch who did not just have the power to cure sick children and animals, but also commune the fairies of Elphame.
But the witch hunters of that era couldn’t stand a woman like Bessie, so they tortured her and even slashed her mouth while interrogating until she confessed to her magic. Bessie is the Greek form of Elizabeth and means ‘oath of God’.
32. Cassandra
The exotic name Cassandra, belonging to the mythological Trojan princess given the gift of prophecy by Apollo, could also make a perfect witchy name for your wee one.
Delicate and ethereal Cassandra was one of the top 70 names in the 90s, but is now, unfortunately, descending in popularity. The meaning of Cassandra is ‘prophetess’.
33. Celeste
Celeste comes from Latin and means “heavenly.”
It’s a quaint name that flows smoothly on the tongue and ranks as the 441st most popular name for girls. Celeste was a dark witch character in the series, The Vampire Diaries.
34. Cerys
Cerys is of Welsh descent and means “love.”
It’s a lovely name too, and quite popular in the U.K., though it’s still somewhat unknown in the U.S. Some people associate it with the witching world.
35. Charlotte
Charlotte is a feminine derivation of Charles and has been a royal name for years, most notably, Queen Charlotte Sophia of England
36. Circe
If you want something quirky and charming for your daughter, Circe is the one for you. In the Greek mythology, Circe, Helios’ daughter, was a witch and a sorceress who turned men into animals using her magic wand.
Circe has featured in several folklore and legends, such as the Homer’s “Odyssey”, in which she transformed Odysseus’s crew into swine. The name Circe means ‘bird’.
37. Gwen
Gwenna, Gwennie, Gwendoline – there are plenty of ways you can use the name of Gwen Ellis, the first woman to be hanged for witchcraft.
Gwen Ellis was originally a healer and herbalist, a practice which was acceptable until a paranoid fear of witches and witchcraft began to sweep through Europe. With a namesake like her, your little girl can narrate the oppression of the women throughout the ages.
38. Hyacinth
Hyacinth means “blue larkspur” or “precious stone.”
According to Greek mythology, Hyacinthus was a young spartan who was killed by Apollo. The legend then states that from the blood sprung fragrant, vibrant flowers. Hyacinth isn’t as delicate a name as something like Violet, but it’s perfect for pagan parents who want an earthy flower name
39. Iris
Iris, the Greek goddess of the rainbow, was a symbol of majesty and power, as well as representing wisdom, faith, and valor. It’s a colorful name, excellent for a witch in the making. In the old PC fantasy game, “The Witcher,” Iris was a sword.
40. Phoebe
Phoebe, the lead of the “Charmed” series, is one of the most powerful on-screen witches of all time. And her most intriguing power is the power of premonition, which helps her see into the past and future. Phoebe is a mythological name, meaning ‘radiant or shining one’.
41. Ursula
Ursula is indeed a name with a weighty background. Apart from belonging to several noteworthy literary characters, it’s also tied with one of the most bizarre looking witches of all time. It’s reported that Ursula’s head was colossal, cheeks hollow, limbs crooked, and eyes glowed like embers. Apart from being a sorcerer and prophet, Ursula was also a brilliant entrepreneur
42. Vera
Vera comes from Russian or Latin. It translates to “faith” or “verity,” respectively. The name is slowly coming back, thanks to trendy parents. Vera has some magic to it, which may be why several fictional witches possess the name. Most notably, it’s heard in manga or anime video games and comic franchises
Those some still doubt the existence of magic, these warlock names, nevertheless have permeated deeply into our society and they still thrill a number of us.
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